Map Monday, Worldwide Hyperloop transit map

If Elon Musk is successful with his Hyperloop project, a scheme to replace trains and planes with transit via hyper-speed vacuum tubes, future humans will be able to catch a subway-like train to their global destinations.  Is this a real possibility?  As it turns out yes, the technology exists today…. Read more“Map Monday, Worldwide Hyperloop transit map”

Why do adults write and read YA Fantasy?

When people find out I’m a published author there’s no mistaking the surprised (especially if they know me) and dare I say impressed look on their faces.  It’s a powerful form of feedback that I freely admit warms my soul.  Fear not, like Frosty in the Greenhouse, the fleeting excitement… Read more“Why do adults write and read YA Fantasy?”

You don’t need to be a philologist to create great fantasy names

One of my first posts on this blog ventured into a problem many fiction authors encounter – naming characters.  I focused on the Misaligned series.  It’s a contemporary fantasy story, albeit one with a connection to Welsh mythology, but nevertheless a story where most characters needed contemporary names. In that… Read more“You don’t need to be a philologist to create great fantasy names”