Map Monday, Do we live on a flat earth?

Do we live on a flat earth? Is the world a sphere, a circle or a disk? For the vast majority of people the answer is obviously a sphere. Belief in a flat Earth is even a euphemism for ignorance. Think about the persistent myth that pre-enlightenment Europeans believed the… Read more“Map Monday, Do we live on a flat earth?”

Map Monday, Most Famous Kevin from each State?

Most famous Kevin from each state? What kind of topic is that for a Map Monday post? My first response is that it’s an excellent topic. It contains the three essential ingredients for a Map Monday feature. First, the topic must interest me. Kevin is a name and I’ve never… Read more“Map Monday, Most Famous Kevin from each State?”

Map Monday, How far does $100 go?

How far does $100 go? I suppose a literal answer to that question might be 1,223.8 miles (1,969.5 kilometers for the non-US, Liberia, or Myanmar readers). That’s the distance from Rochester, NY to Orlando, FL. Okay, so what? Well, that happens to be the furthest distance you can travel by… Read more“Map Monday, How far does $100 go?”