Map Monday, Obesity a Growing Problem in US States & Territories

Obesity, smoking, and substance abuse are the unholy trinity of self-inflicted health crises in the modern world. Obesity occupies a unique position among these three vices. The Good – Smoking Declines No one advocates taking up smoking to improve your health. According to the American Lung Association in my lifetime… Read more“Map Monday, Obesity a Growing Problem in US States & Territories”

Map Monday, How do we Define Europe and who are the Europeans?

Europe, what exactly is it, and who’s a European? The short answer, it’s a continent comprising the northwestern portion of the Eurasian landmass. Many of Europe’s generally accepted boundaries include large bodies of water. To the north and west, the Atlantic and Arctic oceans mark the edge of Europe. The… Read more“Map Monday, How do we Define Europe and who are the Europeans?”

Map Monday, Best Strategy to Find True Love and Happiness

How can you find true love? While it may not be as existential as questions about spirituality, as introspective as self-improvement, or even as practical as financial success, true love may be the key to happiness. Ask a psychologist about the key to happiness and their answer is sure to… Read more“Map Monday, Best Strategy to Find True Love and Happiness”