Map Monday, most common surname in each European country

What is the most common surname in Europe?  As frequent readers know this blog has a deep fascination with names.  Past posts have included my ramblings about how I created fictional character names and fantasy names. In addition to how I create names in my books, I’ve also blogged about… Read more“Map Monday, most common surname in each European country”

Map Monday, What are the most popular names in Europe?

New parents worry over everything from the very important, such as the baby’s health, to the extremely mundane, what color to paint the baby’s room.  Somewhere near the top of their list of concerns is what to name their child.  Some families are blessed (or cursed as the case may… Read more“Map Monday, What are the most popular names in Europe?”

What’s in a fictional name?

Are the names of fictional characters really important?  Many authors struggle over selecting names for their characters.  Some take several chapters to resolve their dilemma.  Fortunately, with the wonder of the modern word processor all it takes is a quick ‘find/replace all’ operation to globally change a character’s name. Does… Read more“What’s in a fictional name?”