With my own summer vacation rapidly approaching (we always go to the Adirondacks), I thought it would be interesting to see what the most popular attractions were in each state. Putting together data from the National Parks service and local tourist groups, Time magazine’s Laura Stampler created a map that… Read more“Map Monday, Most popular attractions in each US State”
Tag: Map Monday
Map Monday, Worldwide Hyperloop transit map
If Elon Musk is successful with his Hyperloop project, a scheme to replace trains and planes with transit via hyper-speed vacuum tubes, future humans will be able to catch a subway-like train to their global destinations. Is this a real possibility? As it turns out yes, the technology exists today…. Read more“Map Monday, Worldwide Hyperloop transit map”
Map Monday, Africa the misunderstood continent
Africa the mysterious dark continent might be the most misunderstood region of the world. Apart from the political, economic, and social issues afflicting many of its countries, few people truly understand the vastness of Africa. Part of the misperception stems from the problem of projecting the spherical surface of the… Read more“Map Monday, Africa the misunderstood continent”