Gerrymandering is the art of drawing political boundaries to benefit a particular party. The term traces its origins to early 19th century machinations of Massachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry. In 1812 the governor approved the creation of convoluted districts that benefited his party. One of the districts wrapped around the city… Read more“Map Monday, gerrymandering US congressional districts”
Tag: Map Monday
Map Monday, Jobs for College Grads
For most Americans their homes represent their single largest investment, but times are changing especially for college grads. The new challenger is a bachelors degree. The costs to attend college consistently outpace inflation. Other than healthcare, education costs are rising faster than those in any other sector of the economy. … Read more“Map Monday, Jobs for College Grads”
Map Monday, lactose intolerance around the world
When I was younger I never heard of lactose intolerance. In recent years it has become almost common place. Grocery store aisles contain dozens of “safe” dairy products and aids for digesting natural dairy foods. The condition is so well known that it’s become a comedic tool in popular TV… Read more“Map Monday, lactose intolerance around the world”