Pre-release announcement for The Dragon’s Den, Warders Book 3

The Dragon’s Den, Book 3 in the YA-friendly Warders series, is now available for pre-ordering from SynergEbooks for just $4.88.  The Warders is a High Fantasy adventure series with James Bond-like action featuring the secret agents of the Warders and their arch-enemy the Chaotic Order. There are several advantages to… Read more“Pre-release announcement for The Dragon’s Den, Warders Book 3”

Why do adults write and read YA Fantasy?

When people find out I’m a published author there’s no mistaking the surprised (especially if they know me) and dare I say impressed look on their faces.  It’s a powerful form of feedback that I freely admit warms my soul.  Fear not, like Frosty in the Greenhouse, the fleeting excitement… Read more“Why do adults write and read YA Fantasy?”

Happy New Year & Welcome to my new site –

My apologies for being a little early with my New Year’s greetings.  I wanted to explain the changes I’ve made with my blog.  The big news is – I’ve upgraded from a single blog page to an entire website!  Now instead of inter-mixing my occasionally inane observations about writing, history,… Read more“Happy New Year & Welcome to my new site –”