Latest News & Events:
(24 July 2023) It’s the final week of the Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale, which means you have just 7 days left to get a FREE copy of The Poisoned Princess (Warders Book #1)! You can also save 75% on the rest of the Warders series. That’s right, you can now get all six books for less than $5!! This deal is exclusive to Smashwords the premier retailer for independent and small-press authors. The sale ends 31 July 2023.
(23 July 2023) I recently participated in a serialization of Penny Preston and the Raven’s Talisman. The entire audiobook is available for FREE!! It’s a limited time offer. I don’t know when the publisher will take it down, but the first two episodes (through chapter 10 I think) will remain up indefinitely. So will an interview with me. Here’s a link to the interview – and yes the camera does tend to make me look like an overstuffed zombie. You’ve been warned – Armen’s Youtube Interview (Summer 2023)
(21 March 2023) I’m switching audiobook distributors for the Warders series. During that process the Warders audiobooks will be disappearing from the shelves. While my old distributor has returned the rights to me, the retailers operate on their own schedules. Basically, the audiobooks may be up today, but gone tomorrow, next week, or at the end of the month. When that’s resolved, they will return via a new distributor. My apologies for any inconvenience. Please check this page for updates. If you’d prefer more timely info and access to special deals/sales, then consider signing up for my Newsletter. It comes out roughly once a month.
(15 September 2022) You hear a lot about inflation these days. While many merchants are raising prices to keep up, I’m doing the opposite. In an attempt to do my part (and shamelessly increase my downloads), I’m offering The Poisoned Princess, Book 1 of The Warders, for $0.00.
Yup, it’s FREE from now through the end of September. No cost through every major ebook retailer (except Amazon). Click on the link below to find your favorite ebook site.
If it worked for George Costanza, it should work for me.
(July 2022) In a momentary lapse of reason, the good folks at MasterKoda decided to share an interview with me on their website. For those who are interested in what I would say to my 7-year old self, here’s the link – MasterKoda Interview.
(Later April 2022) Hey Librarians, if you’re attending the School Library Journal Day of Dialog on 19 May, be sure to stop by the CamCat Books booth where I’ll be be participating in a booth chat at 5 pm EDT, talking all things YA sci-fi and fantasy adventures. The event does require registration. Here’s the link to sign-up: School Library Journal Day of Dialog 2022 Spring | School Library Journal ( I’m also available for school visits. While I will accept a small honorarium, I don’t expect one, especially for virtual or local in-person visits. If you’re interested, please contact me directly.
(April 2022) Updates on audiobook avialability. First, the good news. The Michelle Babb narrated version of The Poisoned Princess is now available through several major retailers including:
As for Amazon/, there appears to be some snafu, which my distributor is working to resolve.
In an unrelated distribution issue, the Misaligned series is also currently unavailable through Amazon/Audible. Unfortunately, Amazon/Audible is the exclusive retail outlet for the Misaligned series audiobooks. So until my publisher can resolve the issue, there is no way to listen to the Misaligned books. I will post more information to this page as it becomes available. For more timely updates, you can sign up for my author newsletter. It’s free and I promise not to be too annoying.
(February 2022) While it’s not available for purchase yet, award-winning narrator Michelle Babb has finished production for The Poisoned Princess. It’s now on to post-production and a release in the near future. Stay tuned to this page for details, or if that’s too much work for you – why not sign up for my author newsletter. It comes out roughly monthly and includes previews of new topics, heads up on events, and exclusive contests. It’s free and I promise not to be too annoying.
(September 5 2021) With the recent release of Penny Preston and the King’s Blade through the entire Misaligned series is now available for listenting! Why not check out award-winning narrator Michelle Babb’s awesome voicing of the action and characters? If you’re interested in a FREE listen, contact me via this page, FB, or telepathy if that’s your thing, and I’ll send you an audible promo code. Also, consider signing up for my newsletter. It comes out roughly monthly and includes previews of new topics, heads up on events, and exclusive contests. It’s free and I promise not to be too annoying.
(June 14 2021) I’m excited to announce that the audio version of Misaligned Book 2 Penny Preston and the Silver Scepter is now available! (a sample is available by clicking here) Once again award-winning narrator Michelle Babb brings the action and characters to life. To celebrate, I’m running a contest to WIN FREE copies of both audiobooks. All you have to do is click on FREE Audiobook Contest Link to enter. Good luck!
(April 23 2021) I’m excited to announce that the audio version of Penny Preston and the Raven’s Talisman is now available! Veteran narrator Michelle Babb brings the characters and action to life. If you’re taking a trip, or spend a lot of time in the car commuting, the audio version is an excellent way to enjoy a story that attempts to answer the question – What happens at the intersection of Arthurian myth and String Theory? Follow this link to hear a sample and make a purchase. You can learn more about the narrator, here. As always thanks for your support.
(April 7 2021) After nearly 18 months of false starts it’s finally here. The Pyramid’s Puzzle, Book 6 of the Warders series, is now available for purchase via Amazon.
What’s the connection between the disappearance of sailors, flying monsters, and a letter from a long-dead agent? The veteran dwarf agent, Draham, must lead his new team on a mission to revisit his biggest failure. Can they solve the puzzle of the pyramid to prevent the destruction of two worlds?
Along with the rest of the series The Pyramid’s Puzzle is also included in the KindleUnlimited subscription service at no extra cost.
(April 5 2021) Featuring new covers and a few internal flourishes, the new versions of Warders Books 1-5 are now available for purchase via Amazon. The entire series is also included in the KindleUnlimited subscription service at no extra cost. If you want the latest and greatest editions of the books, please ignore the reseller versions with the older covers.
(March 1 2021) Here’s the Open Mic Video Link to CamCat’s YouTube channel. A special thanks to my fellow authors for sharing the stage with me and to our moderator Bridget McFadden.
(Febraury 19 2021) My first author interview in India! Thanks to Mr. Vijai K Sharma for reaching out to me and being such a gracious host. Here’s the link India Interview
(February 16 2021) Official release of Penny Preston and the Silver Scepter! You can find purchase links on the Where to Purchase Armen’s Books tab. I’ll also be appearing in a Facebook Open Mic event on 25 February at 7:30 pm (EST). I’ll sharing the stage with other YA authors. Each of us will read a selection from our books and taking questions from the audience. Please check my FB Author page for more information on how to particpate.
(February 3 2021) I’ve been invited and accepted a panel spot at the West Coast Writers Conference (WC2). The topic “YA Tropes: Know them, Use Them, Innovate Them” will be a moderated panel discussion featuring me and two other ‘rising’ authors. It’s scheduled for Friday, 3/5/21, at 6:15 pm Pacific. I’ll share more details when I have them.
(January 29 2021) I’m excited to announce that I will be participating in my first Open Mic event on Thursday, 25 February from 7:30-8:30 Eastern Time. It will be a moderated event that includes me and two other YA authors. We’ll read selections from our books and take questions from the audience. I believe it will be conducted via FB, please stay tuned for more details.
In other news, the first five books of the Warder series are now available for purchase through Amazon in both ebook and paperback. They’re also available for free through Amazon’s KDP subscription service. For more information, including my plans for The Pyramid’s Puzzle (Warders #6), please go to the where to purchase Armen’s books tab on this site.
(January 4 2021) As I mentioned in a blog post at the end of November rights for books in the Warder series are coming back to me. You may find used copies or stragglers here and there, but by and large they are not currently available for purchase. I apologize for the inconvenience, but rest assured I’m working on relisting the entire series – including the unpublised sixth book, The Pyramid’s Puzzle. Stay tuned for more info.
(December 15 2020)
Penny Preston and the Raven’s Talisman is now available for purchase! It should be available via the following retailers: Amazon Link, Books a Million Link, and Barnes & Noble. Alternatively, you can buy directly from my publisher, which may not save you any $, but it will put more in my pocket rather than in the retailers, CamCat Publishing Link. (The CamCat link may still say pre-order for a day or two). An exciting day, and as always thanks for taking this journey with me.
(December 2020) Edits to the revised Misaligned series are nearly complete. Each book will have a new title, cover, and be available in hard cover, paperback, large print, ebook, and audiobook versions.
Stay tuned for information about new Warders’ covers and the releasee of the long-awaited Book #6 (The Pyramid’s Puzzle)
Here are some details for each book:
Penny Preston and the Raven’s Talisman (Misaligned Book #1) – Pre-Order Now, shipping 12/15/2020
Penny Preston and the Silver Scepter (Misaligned Book #2) – Scheduled for 2/16/2021 release
Penny Preston and the King’s Blade (Misaligned Book #3) – Scheduled for 3/16/2021 release
(August 2020) Edits to Misaligned Book #1 complete, it’s now with copy editors. Updated cover options (new artwork, fonts, title, and blurbs) expected in September or early October. Suggested revisions for Book #2 due to me in 1st week of September.
(July 2020) I received the first editorial pass for the planned re-issue of Misaligned Book 1. I’m now working on making some ‘adjustments.’ I’m very excited for the planned November release.
(June 2020) I’ll be returning as a guest on Vince Nolan’s Retro Review. We’ll be discussing when TV shows go to far, or as some call it ‘Jumping the Shark.’ Vince is a great host with his finger firmly on the pulse of TV’s golden age. I’m happy to be a repeat guest on his show. Listen live at 6 pm EST on Wednesday 10 June 2020. If that’s inconvenient, you can hear a recording. Here’s a link for details Retro Review.
(April 2020) I’ve finally signed with CamCat Publishing. My apologies for the delay, in addition to the normal contract negotiation issues, we also had to deal with the impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic. The good news is that we’re all set now. The slight downside is that things will be a bit on the slower side – especially compared to before the acquisition. Expect the first new edition of Misaligned: The Celtic Connection to be out later this year with additional titles following roughly every two months. I know it seems like a long time, but it will be worth it.
(January 2020) While CamCat Publishing successfully closed the business deal to acquire my publisher (SynergEbooks), the precise details of what’s to happen with my titles remain a bit murky. On the positive side, CamCat has offered me contracts for all of my titles. Unfortunately, things are moving a bit slower than everyone would like. In the short term, my titles (print & ebook) are only available through Amazon. Another consequence of the acquisition is that the release of The Pyramid’s Puzzle (Warders #6) has been indefinitely delayed. I will post updates both here and to my FB author page as things improve. I apologize for any inconvenience.
(December 2019) The release of Warders Book 6 The Pyramid’s Puzzle has slipped. Watch this space for more information. Details about the latest thrilling story can be found here The Pyramid’s Puzzle.
(December 2019) I’ll be returning to Calkins Road Middle School for another chat with 7th graders on Thursday 12 December. While I can’t speak for the kids, I always have a fun time. If you’re looking for an engaging and entertaining author to speak at your school or any other event, please feel free to contact me. My books are family friendly adventures that appeal to YA and high level readers as early as 4th and 5th grade.
(October 2019) Warders Book 6 The Pyramid’s Puzzle has a release date! Both print and e-book versions will be available on 10 December 2019! More details available here The Pyramid’s Puzzle.
(October 2019) Synergebooks (my publisher) has been purchased by CamCat Publishing. CamCat is a recently launched publishing company founded by successful entrepreneur Sue Arroyo. She has assembled an enthusiastic team of publishing professionals who are dedicated to bringing their titles to readers.
(May 2019) Warders Book 6 (title pending) scheduled for release in October 2019. For weekly updates on Fridays, visit my Facebook Page.
(May 2019) Return engagement at Calkins Road Middle School and Barker Road Middle School. If you’re looking for an entertaining author to speak at your school or any other event, please feel free to contact me. My books are family friendly adventures that appeal to YA and high level readers as early as 4th and 5th grade.
(March 2019) To celebrate 20 years of business my publisher Synergebooks is offering a Buy One Get One FREE deal on all e-books purchased directly from their site Synergebooks Main Page.
(January 2019) I’m the featured guest on Vince Nolan’s Retro Review. Listen live at 6 pm EST on Wednesday 9 January. If that’s inconvenient, you can hear a recording. Here’s a link for details Retro Review.
(November & December 2018) The first books in both of my series (The Poisoned Princess and Misaligned: The Celtic Connection) are available through Amazon until Christmas for only 99 cents. Amazon links can be found under my Where to Purchase tab.
(November 2018) Speaking at Calkins Road Middle School (December 12th) and Barker Road Middle School (January 2nd). If you’re looking for an entertaining author to speak at your school please feel free to contact me. My books are generally written for middle school and up, but some high level readers in 4th and 5th grade have enjoyed them.
(October 2018) Warders Book #5 (The Demon’s Debt) is available for purchase (digital & print). For all your favorite retailers click Purchase Links.
(August 2018) Warders Book #5 (The Demon’s Debt) is finished! Okay, that’s a bit of an overstatement. The manuscript is done and has gone through preliminary editing. It’s now with my publisher for a full edit. The cover also needs to be done as well as proper formatting for the various e-retailers. No firm publication date is available, but as soon as I have one I will share it.
(June 2018) Fairport Canal Days is this weekend (June 1-3). In addition to all of the fun games, music, and art vendors, consider stopping by The Corner Bookstore. Manned by volunteers all proceeds from sales at the store go to the Fairport Library and local reading programs. To support them I’ve donated signed copies of The Poisoned Princess and Misaligned: The Celtic Connection.
(May 2018) Directly from my Publisher!

(May 2018) Here’s my latest podcast interview with Sheilah and Katrina from RocWrites – RocWrites Interview
(May 2018) Speaking at Calkins Road Middle School (the 10th) and Barker Road Middle School (the 15th)
(February 2018) Another Podcast interview. This one with ROC Writes a new group focused on featuring Rochester area writers. 15 March 2018 at 8:45 pm. Details and a link coming soon.
(January 2018) Speaking at Barker Road Middle School (the 3rd)
(December 2017) I’m excited to announce my first internet radio interview with Crimson Cloak Publishing radio. Here’s a link. The program features a song during the first five minutes or so. We also had a minor tech issue (I’m a bit low in the mix), so if you want to get to the interview you can skip to around 7:30. Crimson Cloak Interview Recording
(December 2017) My recent interview with UK blogger Fiona Mcvie. Interview Link
(December 2017) Speaking at Calkins Road Middle School (the 14th)
(November 2017) The Necrotic Knight (Warders Book IV) is now available for purchase in print through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
(October 2017) Synergebooks decided to bring The Necrotic Knight (Warders Book IV) to print in time for Christmas. Stay tuned for more details.
(April 2017) Another round of speaking engagements at both Calkins Road and Barker Road middle schools in May. I’d post specifics, but they’re closed events. If you have any events needing a guest speaker please let me know. I’m even more interesting in person.
(November 2016) Confirmed appearances before the holiday season.
- Local Author Book Signing Event. Saturday 3 December 2:00-4:00 at the Fairport public library. Feel free to bring copies of your favorite books for signature or better yet purchase new books from your favorite local authors.
- Local Author Holiday Extravaganza. Sunday 18 December 12:00-4:00 at Lift Bridge Bookstore. The event features more than a dozen local authors who are more than happy to discuss their work and sign copies of their books. Snacks and beverages will be available.
- Finally I will be speaking at both Barker Road and Calkins Road middle schools as part of their career skills unit several times during December.
(August 2016) Big News – On Saturday 3 December the Fairport public library will be hosting a local author book fair. While participating authors have not been officially announced, I can tell you that I’ve been selected. So mark your calendars and come to the newly renovated Fairport public library and meet local authors. In addition to meeting and talking to authors, you will be able to purchase signed copies of our books.
(July 2016) Unfortunately I’ve had to cancel my appearance in Lift Bridge Bookstore Authors under the Awning event in August. Lift Bridge has always been very supportive of me and other local artists – they were the first local store to carry my books. Please consider visiting them during the Brockport Arts Festival or any other time for that matter. As always thanks for all of your support.
(May 2016) Since last year was such a great success I’m heading back to Lift Bridge Bookstore to participate in their Under the Awnings event. It’s part of the 2016 Brockport Arts Festival during the weekend of 13-14 August. About a dozen local authors will be manning tables in front of the store. We’ll answer questions, give away prizes, and of course sign copies of our books. I’ll be there from 11-1 on Saturday the 13th. If you’re looking for a fun family friendly weekend event please drop in.
(April 2016) Confirmed presentations at Calkins Road Middle School (5/18) and Barker Road Middle School (5/17 & 5/18)
(March 2016) Formal Release of The Dragon’s Den, Warders Book 3! Available through all major e-retailers in all popular e-book formats. All formats also available through Synergebooks website (The Dragon’s Den) for the same low price, but more of your money gets to me instead of the middle-man (e.g., Amazon).
(December 2015) Presentation at Calkins Road 12/15 and Barker Road Middle School 12/17.
(October 2015) I’ve accepted an invitation to serve as the keynote speaker for the Honeoye Falls-Lima school district career night. This is a repeat gig, which suggests I was entertaining or they couldn’t find anyone else. To decide for yourself, by all means visit the main auditorium in the HFL high school at 7:00 on Tuesday 3 November.
(July 2015) Confirmed appearance as a featured author for Lift Bridge Bookstore’s Under the Awnings event as part of the 2015 Brockport Arts Festival on 8 August 2015. I’ll be answering questions, giving away bookmarks, and signing copies of my books (hoping the print copies of Misaligned: The Darkest Day are available) from 12-2 in front of the store. If you’re looking for a fun family friendly weekend event come to the festival on Saturday and drop by my table.
(July 2015) I’m probably a bit late with this one, but I’ve just verified that The Poisoned Princess is now available via Apple. Thanks to my publisher for working to with Apple to solve the problem.
(28 June 2015) Work has begun on the paperback edition of Misaligned: The Darkest Day. My cover artist Jennifer at Acapella Book Cover Design has completed a mock up. It’s a slight departure from the first two books, but still features one of the characters on the back. Still probably a several weeks before formal release, but we’re getting close.
My apologies to the students of Mrs. Gerby’s first and second period class at Barker Road Middle School. Apparently I was supposed to speak on Tuesday 26 May NOT Wednesday the 27th. The mistake is on me. Please understand that I didn’t mean to stand you up. I’ve asked Mrs. Gerby to keep me in mind if another slot opens up.
Confirmed speaking engagement with students at Calkins Road Middle School (13 May 2015) and Barker Road Middle School (27 May 2015)
(5 March 2015) The final results are in and both novels are award winners!
Misaligned: The Celtic Connection earned 3rd Place
The Poisoned Princess finished in 2nd Place
None of this would’ve been possible without your patience and gracious support.
Thank You!
(9 February 2015) After a week of voting in the 2015 Prize Writer contest, Misaligned is currently in 5th place for Young Adult and The Poisoned Princess is in 8th for Fantasy. If you haven’t voted, please consider doing so. If you have, thanks, and please encourage your friends to vote. Here are the links:
Misaligned –
The Poisoned Princess –
As always, thanks for your support!
(2 February 2015) Voting for the 2015 Prize Writer Competition has now opened! The top three vote receivers in each category not only get bragging rights (very valuable), but also earn cash prizes! Voting is easy and it’s free. Here are the links:
The Poisoned Princess is in the Fantasy Category
Misaligned: The Celtic Connection is in the YA Category
(20 January 2015) Misaligned: The Celtic Connection & The Poisoned Princess (The Warders Book 1) have both been selected as a FINALISTs in’s Prize Writer Competition!
(11 January 2015) The covers for the paperback editions of both The Counterfeit Count and The Poisoned Princess have been updated. Basically, the old versions were too dark and obscured a lot of the details. The printing on the spine and the back cover was also tough to read. The artist has altered the covers and everything looks great. Please feel free to purchase the paperbacks now. The e-book covers seem to lag a bit – there are still a few outlets showing the older Poisoned Princess cover. I guess they’ve got an inventory or pixels to use up.
(23 December 2014) My publisher is currently experiencing some production issues with the paperback version of The Counterfeit Count. The e-book version is fine, but if you’re interested in a paperback copy, please wait a few weeks. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
Events & Appearances:
2015 – Book Signing & Author Salon at Lift Bridge Bookstore in Brockport, NY
6 January 2015 – Guest Speaker at Barker Road Middle School
16 & 17 December 2014 – Guest Speaker at Calkins Road Middle School
7 December 2014 – Author Extravaganza at Lift Bridge Bookstore in Brockport, NY
18 September 2014 – Keynote Speaker at Honeoye Falls Lima Career Night
Interviews, Spotlights, & Features:
LitChic’s Featured Author of the Month Dec 14
Guest Post on Joey Paul’s Blog