Map Monday, A Brief History of Christmas Trees

Modern Christmas trees trace their origins to renaissance Germany. Some attribute the beginning to Martin Luther. In addition to his Ninety-Five Theses, which disputed the efficacy of Indulgences – a big money raiser for the church – he’s also credited with placing lit candles on an evergreen tree. There’s no… Read more“Map Monday, A Brief History of Christmas Trees”

Map Monday, A November Election we can all Disagree on and still be Friends

In November Americans set aside a day to give thanks. The national holiday of Thanksgiving generally includes family gatherings, over-eating, football, and at least where I Iive the first snows of winter. For better or worse it’s also the month Americans run the popularity contests known as an election. Like… Read more“Map Monday, A November Election we can all Disagree on and still be Friends”

You can help an unknown author (hint-me) become a Best-Seller

Best-seller, the goal of every author. In the dim and distant past (before the internet), a best-seller was crowned by the likes of the NYTimes, the USA Today, and various trade and genre groups. While based on sales, the rankings were greatly impacted by the connections between publishers, reviewers, and… Read more“You can help an unknown author (hint-me) become a Best-Seller”