Map Monday, How human disease travels the globe

Human disease has taken many paths to travel the globe. Blown by winds and storms or carried on currents many early diseases found new homes via earth’s weather.  Some of these diseases may have taken their journeys in their native state, but quite a few hitched a ride on a… Read more“Map Monday, How human disease travels the globe”

Map Monday, cosmic flight paths through the Solar System

Cosmic happenings have been at the top of the news over the last six months.  In January we heard about the brightest supernova ever recorded. At its peak the ASASSN-14lh supernova was 20 times brighter than the combined light of all the stars in our galaxy. Also in January researchers… Read more“Map Monday, cosmic flight paths through the Solar System”

Map Monday, Navigating the Pentagon

The Pentagon is located in Arlington, Virginia.  Other than highways, parking lots, and the DC metro it’s most notable neighbors are a lagoon in the Potomac river (built during the Pentagon’s construction) and Arlington National Cemetery.  When it was completed in 1943 its 6,600,000 square feet (3,705,793 square feet of… Read more“Map Monday, Navigating the Pentagon”