In a previous post I wrote about how I created a fantasy map using GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) a free program comparable to Photoshop. My publisher (Synergebooks) accepted the map for use in the first two books of The Warder series. Below is the published map and here’s a… Read more“Map Monday, Fantasy Map Making revisited”
Category: Maps
Map Monday, Bizarre driving laws in each US state
Because the US constitution generally allows states to regulate their internal affairs driving laws vary from state to state. Sure stopping for red lights, driving on the right side of the road, and other basics are the same. However speed limits, school bus rules, use of studded snow tires, and… Read more“Map Monday, Bizarre driving laws in each US state”
Map Monday, Host cities for every modern Olympic games
The first Olympic games were part of a religious festival held every four years in Olympia Greece. The games included chariot races, wrestling, and other athletic competitions between citizens from different city-states. Held at the sanctuary of Zeus pilgrims attending the games received safe passage through hostile territories. Contrary to… Read more“Map Monday, Host cities for every modern Olympic games”