Within a few weeks cicadas will inundate readers living in eastern Ohio and West Virginia as well as adjacent parts of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and oddly enough Suffolk county on Long Island. After spending seventeen years sucking nutrients from tree roots billions of cicada nymphs will emerge from the ground. … Read more“Map Monday, Periodical Cicada Invasion”
Category: Maps
Map Monday, Most expensive college in each US state
Spring used to be the season when a young person’s heart turned to love, or for the less romantic baseball; but now it’s the college season. ****Warning old man stuff coming please switch your internal voice to creaky & cranky**** Back in my day we took our SATs or ACTs… Read more“Map Monday, Most expensive college in each US state”
Map Monday, Maps of food a different take
What could possibly possess me to feature maps made out of food? It’s a good question that if you’ve got enough time to be reading Map Monday will probably interest you. As the astute among you have no doubt discerned one of the hardest parts of this blog is finding… Read more“Map Monday, Maps of food a different take”