Map Monday, Alternate Maps of the US & North America

People have always been fascinated by alternate realities, what ifs, and their hypothetical repercussions.  Whether it’s as mundane as what if Billy Buckner hadn’t booted that ball in the 10th or as complicated (and unlikely) as the Confederacy winning the US Civil War.  There seems to be an endless appetite… Read more“Map Monday, Alternate Maps of the US & North America”

Map Monday, Federal Reserve Banking System

Banking has been around almost as long as civilization itself.  While the two aren’t synonymous many of civilization’s achievements are related to banking.  The earliest known writing and numbering systems were developed to track commercial transactions, while loans from proto-banks facilitated trade between ancient cities.  Modern banking originated in rich… Read more“Map Monday, Federal Reserve Banking System”

Map Monday, Periodical Cicada Invasion

Within a few weeks cicadas will inundate readers living in eastern Ohio and West Virginia as well as adjacent parts of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and oddly enough Suffolk county on Long Island.  After spending seventeen years sucking nutrients from tree roots billions of cicada nymphs will emerge from the ground. … Read more“Map Monday, Periodical Cicada Invasion”