Map Monday, Longest Day in Northern Hemisphere

How long is the longest day? For the smart alecks (this is family friendly blog) out there, the answer is obviously 24 hours. For the true nerds (sorry if that’s most of you) the more correct answer is just a shade under 23 hours and 56 minutes. This slight discrepency… Read more“Map Monday, Longest Day in Northern Hemisphere”

Map Monday, Where can you find Lions?

Where can you find lions? If you live in one of the larger metro areas, the quickest way would be to visit your local zoo. European zoos originated in the middle ages. Wealthy nobles collected exotic animals for display in what eventually became known as menageries. The practice began in… Read more“Map Monday, Where can you find Lions?”

Map Monday, Why do the aliens want our Water?

They need our water. That’s a common explanation for why extraterrestrials invade the Earth. Roughly 70% of our planet is covered by water. Water is essential for life. If you break it into its component parts, you can use the Hydrogen atoms for fuel and breathe the Oxygen. On the… Read more“Map Monday, Why do the aliens want our Water?”