Why do we wear Halloween costumes? Children, and increasingly adults, love to dress up for Halloween. Trick-or-treating was always one of my favorite events. What’s not to like about pretending to be a pirate, superhero, or some undead incarnation? Add to that the appeal of free candy (at least in… Read more“Map Monday, Most Popular Halloween Costumes in each State”
Category: History
Map Monday, Paid Vacation Days by Country
Mandatory paid vacation days or holidays for those of you in the UK vary greatly by country. Excluding sick days, parental leave, and other health-related pay, these types of pay fall into two categories. Paid Vacation Days While rules vary from place to place and among employers, these days correspond… Read more“Map Monday, Paid Vacation Days by Country”
Map Monday, Currency Names Across the World
Currency or money is a medium of exchange. Currencies initially appeared in the fertile river civilizations of Sumer and Egypt. These early civilizations used metal, beads, or ivory to represent stored commodities. By exchanging the tokens, they were able to trade various commodities without the need to physically move them…. Read more“Map Monday, Currency Names Across the World”