What’s the fascination with Atlantis?

The mystery of Atlantis begins with Plato’s dialogues Timaeus and Critias.  He asserts that Atlantis was destroyed in a single day after a failed attempt to conquer Athens.  His tale sparked a two thousand year search for the lost continent.  Despite Plato’s militaristic potrayal of the Atlanteans, most references depict… Read more“What’s the fascination with Atlantis?”

Wassailing the Origins of Mulled Cider, Christmas Caroling & Trick-or-Treating

Frequent readers of this blog, have several things in common ranging from an interest in history to an interminable amount of patience, and no doubt too much free time.  As always, I’ll endeavor to add to the first, try the second, and use up some of the third all in… Read more“Wassailing the Origins of Mulled Cider, Christmas Caroling & Trick-or-Treating”

Mummies in YA fiction, beyond a popular Halloween costume

I’ve never really been a big Halloween person.  Oh I loved it as a kid – what’s not to like about wearing fun costumes and getting free candy?  Not to get all preachy or overly philosophical, but now it’s just a bit too commercial for me.  Halloween’s the first in… Read more“Mummies in YA fiction, beyond a popular Halloween costume”