Map Monday, Antarctica – What’s under all that ice?

Antarctica is the coldest, driest, windiest, and emptiest place on our planet.  Over 97% of its surface is covered in ice that at it’s thickest is almost three miles deep and averages one and a third miles.  While there’s been a lot of news about the arctic ice sheet or… Read more“Map Monday, Antarctica – What’s under all that ice?”

Why is Seven so prominent in YA Fantasy?

Have you ever noticed how prominent seven is in YA fantasy?  Almost everything you read in the genre manages to incorporate it.  Here are seven instances in the most popular YA fantasy series ever written, Harry Potter.  The number of books in the series, years of study at Hogwarts, horcruxes… Read more“Why is Seven so prominent in YA Fantasy?”

Map Monday, What are the Seven Seas?

What are the Seven Seas?  Sounds like a rather simple question to answer, but like most things in life it’s not.  The phrase, “sail the seven seas” is an expression referring to traveling the oceans of the world.  For some reason the number seven has a more than 4,000 year… Read more“Map Monday, What are the Seven Seas?”