Interview with Author Steve Fisher

Welcome to my blog interviews with novelists, short story authors, scriptwriters, and more.  Today’s is with author Steve Fisher. Armen: Hello, Steve. Please tell us something about yourself, and how you came to be a writer. Steve:  I’ve been a freelance writer for over 30 years. Most of that time… Read more“Interview with Author Steve Fisher”

What’s the story behind the Rosetta Stone?

When most people think of the Rosetta Stone, the first thing that comes to mind is the language learning software packages.  No wonder, their bright yellow boxes with their name and oddly shaped blue logo are nearly ubiquitous.  Not to turn this blog into an ad for the product (unless… Read more“What’s the story behind the Rosetta Stone?”

Interview with Award Winning Author Dana Davis

Welcome to my blog interviews with novelists, short story authors, scriptwriters, and more.  Today’s is with author Dana Davis Photo by Phyllis Boyd Armen: Hello, Dana. Please tell us something about yourself, and how you came to be a writer. Dana:  Hi, Armen. Thanks so much for inviting me! I… Read more“Interview with Award Winning Author Dana Davis”