Lit Chic Featured Author for December

The last few weeks have been a bit rough and something had to give. For better (if you’re one of my readers with good taste) or worse (if you’re my publisher) I’ve neglected my blog. In an attempt to satisfy both groups here’s a feature interview I did for Kylie… Read more“Lit Chic Featured Author for December”

Remembrance for David Roberston

My father-in-law, David Robertson passed away on 11 November 2014.  As part of his funeral service I delivered the following short speech in his memory.  I post it here for anyone who knew Dave and was unable to make his service. My name is Armen Pogharian. I’m one of Dave’s… Read more“Remembrance for David Roberston”

My review of “Black Diamond” by Jennifer Loiske

“Black Diamond” by Jennifer Loiske, is a slightly dark paranormal story.  However it contains several unique elements enabling it to stand out in the crowded genre. While it is primarily a tale of good vs. evil, it is also one about loss, betrayal, and discovery. These elements allow Ms. Loiske… Read more“My review of “Black Diamond” by Jennifer Loiske”