Why do adults write and read YA Fantasy?

When people find out I’m a published author there’s no mistaking the surprised (especially if they know me) and dare I say impressed look on their faces.  It’s a powerful form of feedback that I freely admit warms my soul.  Fear not, like Frosty in the Greenhouse, the fleeting excitement… Read more“Why do adults write and read YA Fantasy?”

Happy New Year & Welcome to my new site – armenpogharian.com

My apologies for being a little early with my New Year’s greetings.  I wanted to explain the changes I’ve made with my blog.  The big news is – I’ve upgraded from a single blog page to an entire website!  Now instead of inter-mixing my occasionally inane observations about writing, history,… Read more“Happy New Year & Welcome to my new site – armenpogharian.com”

Review of Misaligned: The Darkest Day from Ellen Fritz of Books4Tomorrow

Another nice review for Misaligned:  The Darkest Day.  This one from Ellen Fritz in South Africa.  Ellen’s part of the highly regarded Books4Tomorrow review team.  Founded by admitted bookaholic Angie Edwards, the site brings Angie and Ellen’s unabridged, unpaid, and honest opinions about books to eager readers everywhere.  To help… Read more“Review of Misaligned: The Darkest Day from Ellen Fritz of Books4Tomorrow”