Freaky Friday, connecting equinoxes, calendars, eclipses, and wall street

March 20th 2015 has the distinction of being a double Freaky Friday. I’m not talking about the 1976 movie where teen Jodie Foster and her mother Barbara Harris exchange bodies or the 2003 remake with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis. FWIW I enjoyed the former and have never seen… Read more“Freaky Friday, connecting equinoxes, calendars, eclipses, and wall street”

Prophecy, Popular & Powerful Plot Device for YA Fantasy

Prophecies have always been powerful tools for building tension and interest in a story. When done well they create mystery, intrigue and even misdirection, but I’m getting ahead of things. At the risk of offending Mr. Taylor or other English teachers, I need to define what I mean by prophecy… Read more“Prophecy, Popular & Powerful Plot Device for YA Fantasy”

How Important is Reality in Fantasy or Science Fiction?

I know what you’re thinking two posts in two days, talk about trouble with reality!  To be fair, you did sign-up for this or at least knowingly clicked on a link.  Also, yesterday’s post was a self-serving plea for you to support my books in the Prize Writer contest.  As… Read more“How Important is Reality in Fantasy or Science Fiction?”