The complete Misaligned series is now available through CamCat Publishing (now an imprint of Baker & Taylor). All books are now in second editions, which include new material, new covers, and new titles. Available formats include: Hardcover, Paperback (standard & large print), Ebook, and Audio. Below are links to some of your favorite retailers.
Penny Preston and the Raven’s Talisman
Penny Preston and the Silver Scepter
Penny Preston and the King’s Blade
Warders Series
The complete Warders series (six books) is no longer part of the Kindle Unlimited program. You can still purchase the books (print & ebook) through Amazon, but now you can also purchase them at other major retailers, including Apple, GooglePlay, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and many others.
Click on the links below to choose your favorite ebook retailer.

Here are links for print copies (Amazon also includes ebooks)

The entire series is under contract for audio release and in production. Book #1 The Poisoned Princess, Book #2 The Counterfeit Count, and Book #3 The Dragon’s Den, and The Necrotic Knight are currently available through most major audiobook retailers. Book #5, The Demon’s Debt, is in production. Please note that some distributors (notably take longer to list a title than others. I ask for your patience if your favorite retailer is one of them.

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I would love to purchase your cheese map! Is this possible
Kathryn, I’m sorry, but none of these maps are mine to sell. Most are free-use maps. I do the best I can to credit the source for each map. If that’s not the case, let me know and I’ll try to find it (I believe there are two blogs with cheese maps). Thanks for reading.